Temecula Valley Writers & Illustrators
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Temecula Valley Writers & Illustrators
Exploring the Creative Spirit

Now Meeting Monthly

For Discussion, Inspiration, and Advice

Join Us on the Third Sunday of Every Month at 11:00am

Coming Up
Sunday, July 21st, 11:00am - 1:00pm
a very special meeting

Cake & Nuggets!
Celebrate our 501(c)(3) status and our new spoken-word series - all at once!

Join us as we celebrate our new nonprofit status!! We'll host a discussion around our memberships and all the benefits it affords our community. Don't you worry, THERE WILL BE CAKE!!

Then behold, the wonder of Spoken Nuggets - our new Spoken Word/Slam Poetry/Flash Art Gallery live event!

Call it what you will: transient, temporary, fleeting. Spoken word storytelling is a tradition as old as language, with origins around the campfires of every society. But because it exists temporally in the ephemeral "now," when the story is over, only the memory of it lingers. That's the beauty of the storyteller's artform.

Different than traditional storytelling, slam poetry originated in the 1980s in Chicago, Illinois, when a local poet and construction worker, Marc Kelly Smith, developed an idea to move poetry recitals away from academia and bring it back to the people. Poetry slams have become popular worldwide. Poetry Slams are competition style (like poetry boxing) where Spoken Word Poets share their work aloud to win in the poetry slam rounds. Modern Spoken Word Poets have influenced many aspects of today’s popular culture, making poetry slam competitions one of the most accessible forms of poetry available today.

When you combine spoken word storytelling and poetry slams into one event, what do you get? Spoken Nuggets, of course!

In addition, at every Spoken Nuggets event, the TVWI artist community will host a Viewable Nuggets Flash Gallery, featuring subnmitted artwork both in-person on digital screens and online through this website. The Viewable Nuggets flash gallery will remain open for browsing only until the live event concludes. Then, just like the stories and poems, the art will disappear into the ether.

It will be an event like no other, and certainly not one to miss! Join us for this very special Cake & Nuggets event!

Learn more about Spoken Nuggets here.


Our Permanent Location:
Temecula City Hall Conference Center
(Located in the Front of the City Hall Complex)
41000 Main Street, Temecula CA, 92590

Click Here for a Map to Our Meeting Location

2024 TVWI Stay Awhile: Scenes from Temecula Valley Anthology Project

UPDATE (6/01/24): The TVWI Anthology committee is working through final edits of the 31 short stories we will be including in this year's anthology. Final art has also been received from most of our contributing artists. The layout process will begin soon. Our goal for publication by early September is very much on-track. Stay tuned for more updates soon!

If you are a writer or illustrator who missed out on this anthology project, worry not! We have exciting new projects launching in the next few months. And, as always, we definitely want to hear any creative ideas you might have as well! Don't be shy about reaching out.

Introducing Our New
Spoken Word Series

Spoken Nuggets

Learn where to attend
and how to participate!

Creativity In Community
Temecula Writers and Illustrators
Together, We're Stronger

Writing can be a lonely pursuit. The same can be said for Illustrating. Part of the job description for each is to sit alone and thoughtfully compose. But no artist should be an island.

Together, we can support, uplift, encourage, and inspire each other. We can seek and give guidance, share knowledge, and commiserate on all the experiences we, as creatives, share. And most importantly, we can join forces to bring awareness to artisans throughout the Temecula Valley. Together, we're stronger. Join us to find out why.

Employees working together at computer
Sponsored by
City of Temecula Temecula Writing Classes Bigfoot Art Classes
Temecula Valley
Temecula Valley Writers and Illustrators is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) Literary & Educational Orgainzation - Tax ID #99-1420798.
This website © 2024 Temecula Valley Writers and Illustrators. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication strictly prohibited. Site Design by Big Giant Media, Inc.

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